This site is under development - none of the data should be trusted - we aim to be live with real data soon

Privacy Policy


WhatTheAcro is committed to protecting your personal information, respecting your privacy and security is very important to us. This policy sets out the basis upon which information is collected about you by WhatTheAcro, through using WhatTheAcro’s website, email, social media and other electronic platforms, and the use of the personal information you provide to us in person or online, via email, phone, in writing or other correspondence. For example, your personal information may be collected or provided by subscribing to the WhatTheAcro email Newsletter through our website, reserving a place at one of our events, applying for one of our opportunities/commissions, emails, correspondence, fundraising or campaign responses. Please read this policy carefully as by providing your personal data to WhatTheAcro you may be deemed to have consented to the processing of such data.

Who we are

WhatTheAcro is built and maintained by Steven Upritchard

WhatTheAcro was built to help people find acroyoga and acroyoga related events.

WhatTheAcro may collects personal data as part of our activities (your profile and teachers profile), however we will never share, sell or rent your details with any other organisation(s) or individuals outside of WhatTheAcro without prior and explicit consent.

The personal data that we process and store

WhatTheAcro only stores the following information about you. 1. Information you enter into you profile/teachers profile and classes. 2. Data about usage of the website is passed to our analytics platform (google analytics). 3. If you log in using google we will store your name and your google email address 4. If you log in using facebook we will store your facebook id (a number facebook uses to uniquely identify you), your email address and your name.

Data protection, safety and security

We protect the security of your personal information in accordance with our legal obligations.

Your personal details will never be shared with any other outside sources for promotional reasons, or for use other than WhatTheAcro initiatives. When working in partnership with other organisations we may ask you if you would like your data to be shared with such partners and if you agree, we will do so.

All of the data we collect is stored on one of the systems listed below. These systems are all password protected, and receive regular updates and maintenance:

Retaining your personal information

If you wish for your personal information to be removed from our records just delete your profile.

In line with GDPR:

This site is under development - none of the data should be trusted - we aim to be live with real data soon